Throughout the year we have some shares of freezer beef available to purchase. We sell shares by the quarter, half, or whole animal. Whatever amount customers purchase will come as a mix of roasts, steaks, ground beef, and other cuts. Unless customers make special requests, we separate each type of cuts evenly.


Our animals usually range in size from 1,200 - 1,400 lbs on harvest day. We charge $2.70 per lb live weight on the day of harvest. In addition to the cost of the meat, customers also pay processing costs for our meat processor. Processing is $0.80 per pound of the carcass weight, which is usually 55%-60% of the live weight. We use 57% to be in the middle for estimates. This is in addition to a $60 facility fee & packaging fee.

To give you an idea of how that math works out, here are two example scenarios to show costs for animals weighing 1,200 and 1,400 lbs at the time of harvest.

1,200 lbs live weight on harvest day at $2.70 per lb come out to:

  • Quarter = $810

  • Half = $1,620

  • Whole animal = $3,240

Processing estimates based on a 1,200 lb live weight are:

  • Quarter = $151.80

  • Half = $303.60

  • Whole = $607.20

Adding those together, the total estimated costs on an animal weighing 1,200 lbs harvest day are:

  • Quarter = $961.80

  • Half = $1,923.60

  • Whole = $3,847.20


If we change that to 1,400 lbs live weight on harvest day at $2.70 per lb, then those costs adjust to the following:

  • Quarter = $945

  • Half = $1,890

  • Whole = $3,780

Processing estimates for a 1,400 lbs animal would be:

  • Quarter = $174.60

  • Half = $349.20

  • Whole = $698.40

Adding those together, the total estimated costs for an animal weighing 1,400 lbs harvest day are:

  • Quarter $1,119.60

  • Half = $2,239.20

  • Whole = $4,478.40

Take home weight (the actual amount of meat you take home) depends on how the customer wants the meat cut. There is usually a shrinkage of around 57% from live animal to carcass to take home weight. Based on that, a 1,200 lb animal will yield around 95-105 lbs per quarter take home weight. A 1,400 lb animal will yield about 110-120 lbs take home weight. At the end of the day, the main determination of take home weight will be the cutting instructions.

If you have any questions about our freezer beef, or if you’d like to order beef, email Kay at